Who am I

There are no problems only solutions

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today we celebrate valborg. This is a Swedish hollyday that is famous for its good weather and drunk people. We are going to have breakfast at the city park. The breakfast includes beer & some sort of food. After that we are going to enjoy this day. The weather is not at its optimal but hopefully in the evening it will be sunny..

Got to go and get ready to eat breakfast. I will post pics and more comments tmw.

/Go for Lawrence

Monday, April 19, 2010

More on my masters

I got more work done and this is about ores. Enjoy

2 Ore geology – an introduction
Ore geology is an economical term used to describe valuable mineralization. This involves certain metallic rocks and also gems. There are two types of ore, syngenetic and epigenetic. The syngenetic ores are formed at the same time as the host rock and the epigenetic are formed after the host rock.

Ore mineralization can occur as either hypogene or supergene. Hypogene is when the miner-alization occurs as the hydrothermal solution ascends. The Supergene mineralization occurs when there is a descending solution. This process occurs because of weathering and that can be responsible for the in situ enrichment of ore minerals (Robb, 2005).
Orogenic gold associations occur during regional tectonic zones and deposits occur in epi-zonal, mesozonal, and hypozonal formations. An example of how this can occur is through a contact between two different rocktypes in a shear zone (fig 3) (Bark et al 2005).
Hydrothermal deposits can occur in different environments as epithermal, mesothermal and hypothermal. The epithermal deposits are formed at depths less than 1500 metres and tem-perature of about 50 to 200oC. The mesothermal deposits are formed at depths of abour 1500 to 4500 metres and temperatures of about 200 to 400oC. The hypothermal deposits are formed in the deepest of the three facies at depths greater than 4500 metres and at temperature of about 400 to 600oC (Robb, 2005).

Tectonic regions where ore can form are convergent and divergent margins. The convergent margins have low geothermal gradients and can reach temperatures for hydrous metamorphic minerals to be unstable. The rise of batholiths becomes a main process for the hydrothermal process. In divergent margins magmas are extruded and seawater penetrates the fractures. The hot water reacts with the basalt and dissolves minerals such as calcium and epidiot, increasing the acidic. This acidic water then dissolves element such as copper and zinc creating sulfides (Wenk & Bulakh, 2004). These become VMS (volcanogenic massive sulfide) and examples of these are the Kukorko ores outside of Japan that is a Zn-Pb-Cu VMS.

A picture on some of the things i have been doing the past weeks

Thursday, April 8, 2010


A sample of how my work is going and what it is about.

1 Introduction

Svartliden is an open pit that has produced gold since 2005 and has produced about 210 902 onces (Dragon Mining AB). Svartliden is located in northern Sweden is in the vicinity of Skellefte mining district, (fig 1). It is located in a “gold line” that is a tectonic zone that con-tains a large gold occurrences. This was discovered in geochemical anomaly maps. Other elements associated with Au are present and these are As, Sb and Te (Bark et al 2005). The pit is owned by Dragon Mining AB, an Australian based company.
The Svartliden pit is located in the Palaeoproterozoic of the Baltic Shield (Grahn et al 2002).
The gold deposit is hosted in metagreywackes and amphibolite and the metamorphic grade of the deposit is mid to upper amphibolite facies (Grahn et al 2002). The Svartliden deposit is similar to the Archean Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia, which is one of the larger lode-vein gold deposits in the world. The Yilgarn Craton deposits are found in amphibolite and granulite facies terrains (Ridley, 1997).

1.1 Aim of Study:
• To determine the alteration mineralogy that is typical for this type of deposit.
• To describe the chemical composition and zoning of the deposit.
The methods used are optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with Energy Dispersive X-ray analyses (EDS) on drill cores.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Vilken vecka detta har varit.. Jag har lyckats med en hel del saker:
Slagit av min halvtand.
Skadat min vad... "vad"!
Fått dålig mage.

Jag har ändå hunnit med lite annan träning än löpning.

Tisdag: Gym (bröst, axlar och triceps) + Löpning
Torsdag: Crosstrainer 60min
Fredag: Badminton 60min plus lite gång och lätt, lätt joggning.

Det jag kan göra är att hålla upp motivationen och hoppas på bättre tider. Det som absolut inte går att gnälla på är vädret som har varit mer eller mindre kanon.

Lördag och söndag återstår denna vecka. Hoppas att jag hinner med lite träning, träning som får mig att svettas så in i.......

Lawrence out!